Mga Post

Instructional video

Hello to my blog. For today our teacher give time to prepare and do our instructional video. The instructional is video is a short video that teach everyone lesson or may be guide for everyone studies and evrything. Our teacher give subject or course and all of us need to choose what course and what lesson we want to make an instructional video. The intructional video wil be 3 minutes minimum and 5 minutes maximum. In our instructional video need to use technologies that available today. For example of this green scree, sreen recording, voice recording, video editor, text to speexh etc. All of this will be useful in making instructional video. In making instructional video is very challenging. You have to think a content which will be helpful to everone. Aside of that the editing the video, i have to be creative in a way the viewers will not be going to be bored while wathching the video. The video need to be concise and informative. Lastly the video need to be fun while watching it ...

The essential of outline

Hello to my blog. This week we do our final unit test in our course. The unit test was not easy. We have to read the article which is a long article. After we read the article, we need to make an outline of the article which very not simple to make. As my observation my other classmate did know or confuse what is the outline. But through our teacher my classmate he helps us to make it clear what is an outlie. Each of us has own strategy how to make an outline, to do it fast and more convenient. I learned that I need to be more patient in reading. Because as future teacher I need to read a lot of articles, thesis, book etc. because being a teacher whole of our life we need to study. Because in due time every information evolve and updating. As a teacher I need to be updated to all the information to share it to my information. I learned that outlining is very important to the teacher. Because it focuses only the important parts, details and lesson of article and book. Outline is very ...

Instructional Materials can use in Teaching.

Welcome to my blog! In last meeting we discuss about the using of mobile phone and QR code and Development and Use of Non-Digital or Conventional Materials. Let’s discuss about QR code, the QR stands for Quick Response. It allows the reader to decode the information at a high rate of speed. Usually the use of QR code use to give the website and the code of the product. So how the QR code read or work? In your smart phone download a QR code reader if you don’t have a built in QR code scanner in your phone. After you download open the app and the camera will operate as scanner. Position the camera phone in the QR code inside the guide box in the phone screen. The app automatically read the QR code and show what is the information or code behind the QR code. The QR code will be helpful in education like using QR code we can do a resource sharing, classroom activities, research project, etc. For addition in the discussion is the Learning Portfolio. The portfolio is the collection of stu...

Filmora Best Video Editor

Hello to my blog! In the last meeting, we discussed different types of technology of tools, applications, and programs that can be used in teaching. Me and my partner assigned to discussed video tools that can be used in teaching. According to our research, the video tool is the manipulation and arrangement of video shots and it is used to structure and present all video information. All the videos that we watch on television, YouTube, social media, and all over the internet is a product of video tool and editor. Video tool editing is usually considered post-production task tilting, color correction, sound mixing, etc. this will help our video to enhance and to add some variation and effect to make it interesting to watch by the audience. The main purpose of a video tool is first to rearranging, adding or removing sections of video clips or audio clips, this will help to make our video informative and emphasize the subject of the video. Second, applying color correction, filters, and o...

Solve the Technolgy Issue

Welcome to my blog. For today's blog, we are going to discuss the technology issue. Our instructor sums up in one lesson the technology issue that we have right now. The most common issue that we experience is all about security and privacy. All of us are using social media and we put us some credentials like our bank account on some websites to make payment. But the password, pin, and personal identity that we put on the internet can be harmful or dangerous to us. So, better to be careful about the things we put on the internet. One of the highlights of the discussion is the e-pollutant from e-waste. This is an issue one of the fastest-growing pollutions on earth. Especially we have now modern technology, all the old appliances, cables, and wires, gadgets, and other electrical stuff are all discarded and throw it everywhere. This will result in a huge amount of chemicals produce to the air, water, and land that both human, animals, and environment was affected by this issue. O...

Power of PowerPoint

This week we have a unit test about the past lesson that we discussed. The unit test was more on the essay questions. Answering the unit test is not easy, it needs many ideas to create or formulate a thought make it a sentence and connect it to the question. Also, making essay need to be careful in the spelling, grammar, and proper constructing of the sentence. Overall, I able to answer all the essay questions because all of the questions were discussed and I review it before the unit test. After the unit test, our instructor discussed some tips and advice in terms of creating a PowerPoint presentation.  Because he notices some failure and not proper designing of making a PowerPoint presentation. One of his advice is to be creative in PowerPoint, it is better to create your own design in the slide than to use the pre-download template in the PowerPoint. Proper using of color especially in the color of the background and the color of the text, should be contrasted to each other. ...

Different Issue in the world of Social Media

Welcome to my blog! For today's blog, I discussed the four global issues discussed by my classmate at the last meeting. The first issue is Freedom of Expression and Censorship, freedom of expression refers to people have the right to hold opinions without interference and have the freedom to express what they feel and react in a certain situation. While censorship it’s an intentional show expression in the public, mostly this speech is harmful, sensitive, and convenient. It is an issue because many people are overpowering the freedom of expression that results in trouble in some cases. The second issue is Privacy and Security, the privacy is selective information you will share to the internet or in any platforms and the security is protecting your data from malicious attacks and the exploitation of stolen data. This becomes of an issue because many people become a victim of a scam, poser, and getting person identity to use in the illegal matter. The third issue is Surveillance and...