Teaching for Technology and Learning - Syllabus and CHED Memorandum Order

Good Day! I'm Emhil Cacha, I'm currently studying in my second year in Technological University of the Philippines – Taguig Campus in the program of Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education . This blog is all about the course Technology for Teaching and Learning I . First of all what is different between " course " and " program " in education? The program is the one you enrolled in your school while the course is the subject in the program. For example, the program I took is BTVTEd and one of the courses that I study right now is Technology, Teaching, and Learning. Every course has a Syllabus , the syllabus is the outcome-base of the course. This is where written the goals, outcome and the objective of the course. While in the program its also has a memorandum order from the CHED, the CHED Memorandum Order is an order that needs to follow for every program in the school. This is the where all the important detail of the program stated like th...